PMSA and WSC respond to FMC Chairman’s statement

Washington, 6 January 2023 – The FMC Chairman today issued a statement that ascribes improper motivations to a regulatory comment about an important environmental issue that WSC and PMSA raised in the FMC’s detention and demurrage rulemaking.  We respectfully but categorically reject the Chairman’s characterization.  Our Petition for Review was submitted in the manner provided for in the rulemaking process, and as required by federal law and regulation.

As we stated in our comments on the detention and demurrage rule, we are concerned that aspects of the proposed regulations will make port congestion worse.  Many other commenters agree.  Port congestion needs to be avoided both because it is bad for American shippers and U.S. ports and also because congestion causes unnecessary air pollution.  That was the simple point that we raised. 

We will continue to work with the Commission to support a regulation that keeps cargo moving through our ports for the benefit of American importers and exporters, in an environmentally sustainable manner.

Read the PMSA and WSC Petition for Review


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